Blueprint To Practice Automation VT

Fully Automated Clinical Programs & Entrepreneur Training



Interactive Lessons

Industry subject matter experts serve as your personal guide as you experience immersive virtual training modules.


Accessible anytime and on any device, training can be completed from home or at the office.

Interactive Lessons

Industry subject matter experts serve as your personal guide as you experience immersive virtual training modules.


Accessible anytime and on any device, training can be completed from home or at the office.

Welcome to Blueprint to Practice Automation™!

Blueprint to Practice Automation™ was founded around the frutrastrations of the antiquated practice & protocol teachings in the profesion. Learning from my own struggles, I decided to change my practice and thousands of others in the profession. We now have taught over 1000 doctors on how to create freedom through automated clinical programs and entrepreneur coaching. We are the fastest growing chiropractic business model allowing us to hit the Inc 500 & 5000 lists four years in a row. Most importantly, our doctors have 75% more reach in the communities when compared to other doctors in the profession. Our team at Blueprint to Practice Automation looks forward to working with you and seeing your success with our systems.


Virtual Interactivity
Virtual Interactivity

Uniquely designed testing mechanisms allow users to actively participate and engage during training to foster comprehension and retention.

Easy To Use Interface
Easy To Use Interface

The web-based interactive training and communication platform makes navigation simple for all skill levels. Log in and you’ll be able to begin training with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Built In Accountability
Built In Accountability

State-of-the-art, integrated features track, measure and monitor progress with comprehensive reports and alert notifications directly to email or SMS in real-time.


Name of Course 1

Click Here

Name of Course 2

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Name of Course 3

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Name of Course 4

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Name of Course 5

Click Here

“Best training platform ever!”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et lorem dictum, porta nibh sed, facilisis nisl. Proin hendrerit sodales sodales. Praesent pellentesque dolor non mattis vestibulum. In ullamcorper ligula ut pulvinar ultrices. Phasellus aliquet nunc lobortis convallis fringilla. In non tortor facilisis, molestie eros sollicitudin, dignissim est. Etiam et aliquet est. Integer pharetra egestas feugiat. Mauris congue leo ante, ut congue eros pellentesque vitae. Morbi vitae varius est. Vivamus pretium venenatis urna, sit amet convallis ipsum finibus ac. Mauris mi nibh, scelerisque luctus suscipit ultricies, auctor auctor magna.

John Smith, ACME Training Group
“Training according to my schedule!”

Etiam blandit tristique tortor, quis semper nibh scelerisque vel. Sed placerat placerat lectus, nec feugiat magna suscipit vitae. Morbi eget eros non ex egestas tincidunt. Aliquam eget nibh at dui sagittis tempus. Donec pharetra lacinia lorem, molestie rutrum ipsum tempor in. Vestibulum et pulvinar nunc. Praesent id dolor justo. Nullam eu hendrerit dolor, et molestie eros. Vestibulum ultricies nibh elit, ac lobortis elit pharetra sit amet. Sed in dolor sodales, congue dui quis, lobortis odio.

Melissa Brown, 123 Marketing
“The accountability tools have been invaluable.”

Nullam sit amet ante id magna fermentum lobortis. Nam et nibh ac quam lobortis rutrum ut ut dui. Vestibulum sed lacinia nibh, eget facilisis tortor. Mauris elit sem, convallis sit amet enim id, finibus consequat mi. Donec diam massa, fermentum in ex at, pulvinar consectetur dui. Phasellus ut lorem gravida, sagittis diam vel, suscipit metus. Suspendisse at velit magna. Etiam quis nunc accumsan, accumsan lorem in, faucibus nulla.

Chris Robinson, ABC Company International
Learn At Your Pace

Repeat and review key courses and exercises as users advance through the training to ensure comprehension.

All Browsers

Access your training anytime on any web-enabled desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device to match your on-the-go lifestyle.

Get Certified

Attain your Certificate of Completion once all videos and quizzes have been completed.